Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

The Rafting On The Sa'dan River

TORAJA adalah surga bagi penggemar arung jeram (whitewater rafting). Daerah ini memiliki sungai besar bernama Sungai Sa'dan yang sangat menantang. Adrenalin Anda tidak hanya dipompa, tapi juga disuguhi panorama indah. Sambutlah tantangan arung jeram di Sungai Sa'dan.
Titik awal pengarungan dimulai dari jembatan gantung di Desa Buah Kayu. Sementara titik akhir jeram berada di Jembatan Pappi, Kabupaten Enrekang, yang terletak di sebelah selatan Kabupaten Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia.
Gambaran Umum
Sungai Sa'dan adalah sungai terbesar di Toraja. Lebarnya rata-rata 80 meter dengan panjang mencapai 182 km. Menjulur berliku dari dataran tinggi pegunungan Latimojong ke arah Kabupaten Pinrang di barat daya Kabupaten Tana Toraja. Pemandangan di sisi kiri dan kanan sungai sungguh indah.
Menurut pengklasifikasian jeram, Sungai Sa'dan memiliki jeram kelas empat. Maksudnya, sangat sulit, aliran sungai berjeram panjang berturut turut dan berombak kuat, tak beraturan dan banyak batuan yang membahayakan, pusaran air yang berbuih buih, dan lintasan sulit diintai.
Bahkan ada satu jeram, yaitu Jeram Fitri yang memiliki tingkat jeram lima. Jeram ini berupa patahan dengan aus deras yang menabrak batu besar. Jika tak cukup piawai, perahu dapat menempel di batu dan terjebak di sana.
Karena itu, berarung jeram di Sungai Sa'dan tidak hanya membutuhkan keberanian melainkan juga kepiawaian. Akan sangat berguna jika awak perahu berpengalaman dan memiliki perlengkapan yang terbaik.
Ada dua operator yang mengelola wisata arung jeram. Kedua operator ini menyediakan river guide yang sangat berpengalaman dan menguasai medan jeram. Operator jeram tersebut adalah:
  • Sobek Expedition, sebuah perusahaan waralaba Amerika Serikat yang juga mengelola wisata rafting di Bali dan Aceh. Perusahaan ini adalah perintis arung jeram di Sungai Sa'dan.
  • Indo Sella Expedition, sebuah perusahaan yang dikelola oleh kampiun kayak Indonesia yang mengantongi lisensi American Whitewater Association, Agus Lamba.
Ada belasan jeram besar, antara lain Jeram Puru, Jeram Photo Stop, Jeram Lantak lantak, Jeram Nusa, Jeram Lolok, Jeram Fitri, dan Jeram Pembuangan Seba. Jeram yang terakhir paling berbahaya karena selain panjang dan bertebing di kiri dan kanan, juga terdapat under cut yang besar dan dalam.
Perjalanan dari Rantepao membutuhkan waktu sekitar tiga jam ke lokasi titik awal jeram. Dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan jip yang disediakan operator arung jeram.
Biaya untuk wisata arung jeram ini Rp.1.250.000 per orang.

3 komentar:

rafting cagayan de oro mengatakan...

Very nice pictures.. even though i cannot understand your language, still i like the pictures. i want to ride over those great rapids too...

Heber mengatakan...

TORAJA is a paradise for fans of white water rafting (whitewater rafting). This area has a large river called the River Sa'dan very challenging. You do not just adrenaline pumping, but also treated to a beautiful panorama. Embrace the challenge of whitewater rafting on the River Sa'dan.
The starting point pengarungan starting from a suspension bridge in the village of Wood Fruit. While the rafting end point was in Bridge Pappi, Enrekang, which lies south of Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Sa'dan River is the largest river in Toraja. Wide average of 80 meters with a 182 km long reach. Winding protruding from the highlands toward the mountains Latimojong Pinrang in the southwest district of Tana Toraja. Scenery on the left and right sides of the river was beautiful.
According to the classification of rapids, river rafting Sa'dan have four classes. That is, very difficult, river rafting, long and wavy consecutive strong, irregular, and many dangerous rocks, froth foaming whirlpool, and difficult path staked out.
There's even one rapids, which Mubarak venues that have the level five rapids. This cascade of faults with heavy wear which crashed into a boulder. If not skilled enough, the boat can be stuck on a rock and stuck there.
Therefore, rafting on the River Sa'dan berarung not only requires courage but also expertise. It would be very useful if the boat crew of experienced and best equipped.
There are two operators who manage the white water rafting. Both these operators provide a very experienced river guide and master the field of rapids. Rafting operators are:

* Sobek Expedition, a U.S. franchise company that also manages rafting tours in Bali and Aceh. The company is the pioneer of whitewater rafting on the River Sa'dan.
* Indo Expedition Sella, a company managed by champions like Indonesia, which licensed the American Whitewater Association, Agus Lamba.

There are dozens of big rapids, among other Puru venues, attractions Photo Stop, battered battered venues, attractions Nusa, Lolok venues, attractions Fitr, and venues Disposal of Sheba. The last most dangerous rapids because besides the long and bertebing on the left and right, under cut there are also large and deep.
The trip from Rantepao takes about three hours to the location of the starting point of rafting. Can be reached by jeep vehicles provided rafting operators.
The cost for this rafting tour Rp.1.250.000 per person.

Heber mengatakan...

TORAJA is a paradise for fans of white water rafting (whitewater rafting). This area has a large river called the River Sa'dan very challenging. You do not just adrenaline pumping, but also treated to a beautiful panorama. Embrace the challenge of whitewater rafting on the River Sa'dan.
Location The starting point pengarungan starting from a suspension bridge in the village of Wood Fruit. While the rafting end point was in Bridge Pappi, Enrekang, which lies south of Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Overview
Sa'dan River is the largest river in Toraja. Wide average of 80 meters with a 182 km long reach. Winding protruding from the highlands toward the mountains Latimojong Pinrang in the southwest district of Tana Toraja. Scenery on the left and right sides of the river was beautiful. According to the classification of rapids, river rafting Sa'dan have four classes. That is, very difficult, river rafting, long and wavy consecutive strong, irregular, and many dangerous rocks, froth foaming whirlpool, and difficult path staked out.
There's even one rapids, which Mubarak venues that have the level five rapids. This cascade of faults with heavy wear which crashed into a boulder. If not skilled enough, the boat can be stuck on a rock and stuck there.
Therefore, rafting on the River Sa'dan berarung not only requires courage but also expertise. It would be very useful if the boat crew of experienced and best equipped. There are two operators who manage the white water rafting. Both these operators provide a very experienced river guide and master the field of rapids. Rafting operators are: * Sobek Expedition, a U.S. franchise company that also manages rafting tours in Bali and Aceh. The company is the pioneer of whitewater rafting on the River Sa'dan.
* Indo Expedition Sella, a company managed by champions like Indonesia, which licensed the American Whitewater Association, Agus Lamba.
There are dozens of big rapids, among other Puru venues, attractions Photo Stop, battered battered venues, attractions Nusa, Lolok venues, attractions Fitr, and venues Disposal of Sheba. The last most dangerous rapids because besides the long and bertebing on the left and right, under cut there are also large and deep.
The trip from Rantepao takes about three hours to the location of the starting point of rafting. Can be reached by jeep vehicles provided rafting operators. Fare
The cost for this rafting tour Rp.1.250.000 per person.